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Sessions for week commencing 1st July.

Evening all, forms are now up. Please put your name down if you’re coming along!

Tuesday’s session is:
3 sets of:
(3 min / 1 min jog recovery
2 min / 1 min jog recovery
1 min / 1 min jog recovery
30 secs)
with a 3 minute standing recovery between sets.

The efforts should be tough (faster than 5K pace), but not be so hard that you cannot jog (very easy jog) the recoveries. They will be significant enough that you welcome a standing rest after the shorter interval.

Thursday’s route is new, it’s into the woods and around a part of pit top. Nothing too challenging, but there aren’t any shortcuts. 6.3 miles or thereabouts.

See you in the week!

Sessions for week commencing 24th June.

Hello all, form for next week is now up! Please make sure that your name is down if you’re coming along.

Tuesday’s session is:
2 * 2 min / 1 min
12 * 1 min / 45 seconds

These should be at or above your target race pace, particuarly the 1 minute reps. You will not have much time to recover between these reps and they should be consistent – you should aim to complete each rep in the same time / at the same pace (don’t overdo it to start with!)

Remember that you can use the lap button on your watch if it has that functionality to split the reps up.

We are working towards the DonFaster 5K with these sessions. If you have not entered this already, please don’t leave it too late. Entries close on the 7th July (race is on the 12th), which is earlier than usual and we will not be extending this date.

No plans for social on Tuesday so far, will update if one becomes available.

We are away in Thorne on Thursday! Please see Andy’s post about this in the Facebook group here.

See you in the week!

Sessions for week commencing 17th June.

Hi all, forms for this coming week are now up. Please remember to put your name down if you’re coming along!!!

Tuesday is Dam Flask relays!!!
If you have put your name down for this then PLEASE turn up (or at the very least give us plenty of notice if circumstances have changed and you are unable to make it).

It is extremely difficult (for Mick 😅) to organise this and one person dropping out has a ripple effect on everything else. Don’t end up on our naughty list! 😆

Parking is always tight down there, so try and car share wherever possible. We would advise getting there very early if you can.

You MUST wear club colours in this race. If you don’t have a club top then please see Mick/Jim or reply to the post in the FB group so that we can try and arrange a loan.
Bring pins for your number.

We usually stop for a drink in / outside the pavilion afterwards (weather depending). Consider bringing some midge spray and sun cream if the sun ever does decide it’s June and time to come out.

It can be quite late by the time we’re finished, it is worth taking some food with you if you aren’t likely to have tea before you leave.

For those left behind, Mark and Jo will be putting on an interval session on the track, which will be 12 * 90 seconds / 60 second recoveries to be done at or slightly above target 5K race pace.

Thursday’s route is M11. This is about 7.5 miles long and there isn’t really a shortcut unless you know your way back through the woods / across Cantley Park.

Andy, Ellie and John’s away run is coming up soon. Make sure you’ve booked your chip butty if you’re coming to that (details here)

See you in the week!

Sessions for week commencing 10th June.

Morning all, forms are up for next week. Please make sure you have your name down if you’re coming along!

Tuesday’s session is a mixed fartlek consisting of:
1 * 4 min
2 * 3 min
3 * 2 min
4 * 1 min
each with 1 min recovery.

Thursday’s route is M9. This is the circular around Amazon Lakes / Rakes Lane. There is no shortcut and the route is around 7.5 miles.

See you in the week!

May 2024 Newsletter

May’s newsletter is now available for you all to read with all the updates from the month. Remember to let us know if there’s anything you want including in any future issues!

Once you’re registered and logged in you can always find the latest Newsletter on our Newsletter page here.