Author Archive: Mark Bower


Sessions for week commencing 29th July.

Evening all, forms for next week are now up. Please put your name down if you’re coming to any of the sessions!

Tuesday’s session is as follows:
4 * (
3 min @ ~5 K pace, 1 minute recovery
90 seconds @ ~3 K pace, 1 minute recovery
45 seconds @ ^ mile pace, 2 minute recovery
4 * (30 seconds / 45 seconds), reps @ ^ mile pace

Thursday’s route is new. It’s just over 7.5 miles and there are no shortcuts. Making the most of the light while we still have it!

Have a good weekend!

Sessions for week commencing 15th July.

Good morning all, forms are now up for the forthcoming week. Please make sure your name’s down if you’re coming along!

Tuesday’s session is 15 * 90 seconds / 60 second rest. These are to be done somewhere between your 10K and just above your 5K race pace depending on your personal fitness / current weekly training mileage / goals. Will explain more on the evening.

Thursday’s route is M9R (reverse). It’s the Amazon Lakes route and is around 7.5 miles. There aren’t any shortcuts, so drop down a group if this is a little longer than you’re used to.

Huge well done to everyone who ran DonFaster 5K on Friday night, particularly to those who PB’d. Entries for the next race are open now.

Wouldn’t leave this one too late to book , it is likely to be much busier than July’s.

Also nice to see so many of you at the Cleethorpes Tourist parkun yesterday! Gregg’s didn’t know what hit them after.

Anyway, see you in the week!

Sessions for week commencing 8th July.

Hi all, forms for this week are now up. Please put your name down if you’re coming along to any of the sessions!

Tuesday’s session is as follows:
16 * 30 seconds with 1 min slow jog / walk recovery. Pace North of 5K race pace.

Thursday’s route is M1, which is in the woods. There isn’t really a convenient shortcut, unless you’re prepared to make your way back from the woods alone after the first loop (which would make it around 3 or so miles I think).

See you in the week!