Join Online

** Please note that due to record numbers of new members this year, the membership form is not currently available as membership recruitment is on hold until April 2025 **

On this page you can complete your membership application and submit it to the Club Secretary for consideration.

The current annual price of the membership subscription is: First claim, £35 inclusive of EA registration; Second claim £16

Please submit your completed form and pay by BACS to our club account (details will automatically be emailed to you once we received your form). Or you may hand in your payment to the club secretary or any member of the committee on a training night (Cheques payable to Danum Harriers).


We are a road and trail running club for adults (over 18) although junior members (over 13) can join providing they are accompanied by an adult member. To ensure we have the correct contact details for you, please fill out this form and click ‘submit’.

contact-form-7 id=”7833″ title=”Membership Form”

(If you get an error clicking ‘submit’ please try again).