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Sessions for week commencing 13th January

Evening everyone, forms for next week are now up. Please make sure you put your name down if you’re coming to any of the sessions, the earlier the better for Thursday.

Tuesday’s session is 20 * (30 seconds / 45 seconds). Would recommend you doing these (particularly once warm) at mile pace or faster with slow jog recoveries (walk or stand if necessary to polarise what you’re doing).

Thursday’s route is new, a slight twist on one or two existing routes. It’s just over 10K, unfortunately there are no short cuts on this one.

Have a good weekend, see you next week!

Sessions for week commencing 30th December

Hi all, the form for the first run of the New Year is now up! Please put your name down if you’re coming along.

PLEASE NOTE: there’s a possibility (although I think we’ve told them we’ll be there) that the Cycle Hub won’t be open, so please come prepared.

We’ll be doing R5, which is just over 5 miles. A head torch is handy on this one for the section around the Tennis Club.

Hope you’ve all had a good Christmas and enjoy New Year celebrations.

See you Thursday.

Sessions for week commencing 16th December

Hi all, the form for this week is now up. Please put your name down if you’re coming to the Tuesday session!

The session this week is a pyramid – 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 min efforts with 1 min recovery after each. This is a shorter rest than in previous sessions of this nature, be sure to take it because this is a much bigger session than it looks.

Should be a 10Kish race pace effort for the 5 minute rep and faster for each of the shorter reps – pace should look like a V (quicker at start and end, slowest in middle).

A reminder that we are away on Thursday for the Christmas run.

This starts from and finishes at the Tennis Club. Please be there for 6:30pm, we leave at 6:45pm prompt. 3 pubs in total; Punches, Childers and finishing at the Tennis Club.

You will be allowed to order food in from outside the Tennis Club, Bella Pizza is apparently a popular choice.