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Please note that due to record numbers of new members in 2024, membership recruitment is on hold until April 2025

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Away Run planned for 24th November

On the back of Aaron’s popular away run a few weeks ago the fab Dave Scully will be hosting another head torch away run for us all.

It will be on 24th November (Thurs) at 6:30pm (so no run from the Dome that night) at The Ivanhoe, 118 Melton Rd, Sprotbrough, Doncaster DN5 7NS.

If you could let us know asap if you’re wanting a chip butty so we can get the numbers in for the venue by the 21st Nov that would be great.


Another reminder that it’s the club race at the Cycle Hub on Sunday. Race begins at 1pm, come up to an hour before to warm up and get ready. Bring family if you like! The cafe should be open. This is a great opportunity to run hard in a closed, fast, flat environment over a 5K UKA certified distance that we’ve had specifically measured.

Andy and Emma are providing their professional timing services ( for us at no cost, please support them and the club by attending if possible – it will serve as a test run for future events.

This week’s sessions (w/c 24th Oct)

The forms for the week are up. Please make sure your name is down if you’re coming out to play!

On Tuesday, you should be pooped from your efforts on Sunday and so we will be trying something different per Nick’s post in the Facebook group. Basically we’ll be doing a partial recce of the Doncaster 10K route, modified to start and finish from the Dome (and avoid repetition where necessary). This’ll be a social run – we may have up to 3 different groups depending on take-up.

It may end up being longer than 10K. We’ll try and work in at least one cut-short for those who might need it.

On Thursday it’s the turn of R6, Town & Bawtry Road, a route of just over 6.4 miles.