At the AGM, during the awards section of the evening, we’ll be presenting the Parkrun Tourist Trophies and Club Championship Trophies – 12 trophies in total. This will culminate with the awards for Runner of the Year (Female) and Runner of the Year (Male), and Harrier of the Year. This is where we ask you for your nominations.
The criteria are as follows:
Runner of the Year (ROTY) – a trophy awarded to the Male and Female ROTY. In your opinion which male and female runner you think have had the best year running – (2021/2022). This can be success as in trophies, personal bests, success as in their own personal running journey, or the most improvement in their running.
Harrier of the Year (HOTY) – one trophy awarded to the person (female or male) who you feel is representative of the Club. They may have gone that extra mile for the club, fellow club runners or the running community.
To help you make your choices it might be worth reading some of the “This Month’s Mentions” in the previous DH newsletters (these are all available from the DH website in the members’ only area).
You can make your nominations online. Here you’ll be able to name your nominee(s) and importantly your reason why, as it’s great for the recipient to know why their fellow club members have voted for them. By the way all nominations are confidential.
The closing date for nominations is 16:00 on Tuesday 15th November so please get nominating.