This week’s sessions (w/c 3rd July)

Hi everyone, forms for next week are up. Please ensure that you put your name down if you intend to come along to any of the sessions.

On Tuesday we’ll do diagonals at Cantley Park for the main session. The jog down is around a mile and then same back. If you’d like to meet us there, then meet in the park around half way down the road to the football training facilities.

Mick will take a social run, which will recce a new route we intend to use for Thursday.

Thursday’s route will be a new one – it’ll have a shortcut and bring the run to around 4 miles for anyone needing that, and more or less 10K exactly for everyone else doing the full run.

It’s a mixture of trail and road, but road shoes should be fine providing we don’t have a monsoon between now and then.

See you in the week!