Hi all, forms for next week are up – please remember to book on if you’re coming.
Tuesday’s interval set will be 12 * (45 seconds, off 60 recovery).
Things will be slightly different for Thursday. Because there are so many people doing Manchester (or London), many of them leaders, we’re going to simplify the evening and just have 3 groups.
It’ll be pretty much like an away social (except not away 😆) with more relaxed pacing in all groups.
Route is going to be M2R – the first part is in the woods, but comes back out and near to the Dome at about 3 and a half miles. This enables all groups to be out of there still with plenty of light and gives those doing the marathon the opportunity to peel off at that point (to the bar?)
Those who want to do the full route can do so – the remainder of it is on road.
See you in the week!