Good morning everyone, forms for next week are now up! As usual, please ensure your name is down if you’re coming to any of the sessions.
On Tuesday we’ll be working from the Hub again. The set is ~2km repeats (will measure just under – 2 laps of track), walk recoveries between them. Number of repeats to vary, see guide for more info.
Because the track is (nearly) 1km per lap, it’s easy to work out what pace you should be doing each lap according to your target time. In case of 10K pace, just divide by 10 (and take off a few seconds to account for it being ~40m per lap short). So if your target 10K time is 50 minutes, you should probably be aiming for 5 minutes per lap (or 4:50 ish to account for it being a bit short).
Anyway, while we’re rambling about the 10K – Thursday’s route will be a recce of the Doncaster 10K course, slightly modified to keep off roads and leave from / back to the Hub. You’ll get the rough idea of where you’re going on the day if you’ve never raced it before.
Because of the start and end point change, the route is 7.65 miles. There is a shortcut at the bottom of Bennetthorpe (skipping Leger Way), which will take the run to approximately 4.5 miles.
See you next week!