Sessions for week commencing 13th May.

Afternoon all, forms are now up for this week. As always, please remember to put your name down if you’re coming.

Don’t forget this Tuesday is the Rother Valley Relays and that a good number of us will be there. The first race goes off at 18:30, if you’re in the first leg you need to be there earlier obviously, to get your number pinned on, pick up your baton, and learn the instructions for handover.
Really, the earlier everyone can be there the better, particularly if the weather is good – things are more relaxed that way. We will have the race gazebo and flag up, so once you’re parked up (free parking), follow everyone else into the park and you’ll find us.

For those left behind, Mark is going to put a track session on and Jo will do a social at G5 pace for anyone who wants to do that. The track session will be:
10 * 2 min / 1 min recovery followed by 10 * 30 seconds / 1 min recovery

These should both be at or North of your target 5K race pace (the shorter reps slightly Northerer 😅)

Thursday’s route is one of the new ones from last year. It’s about 6.7 miles and there are no shortcuts (well, there’s one, but it only cuts off about .5 miles I think).
You can have a gander here.

See you in the week!