Rother Valley Relays, Thursday 11th May 2023 @ 18:30

Jim would like a show of hands from those of you who may be interested in racing this? We imagine it’ll be similar to Dam Flask, but with two twists:

  1. We can have mixed sex teams.
  2. There isn’t that ruddy big hill. 😅

How many in a team?

  • 4 – Male Senior, MV40 and MV50
  • 4 – Mixed ( 2 males 2 females)
  • 3 – Female senior, FV35, FV45, FV55, MV60

What are the categories?

  • Male senior (18+), MV40, MV50, MV60
  • Female senior, FV35, FV45, FV55
  • Mixed Bag (2 male, 2 female)

If you’re interested, can you please let Jim know ASAP with:

  1. Single sex
  2. Mixed team

If we get enough interested parties we can then match make and enter a bunch of teams. So this will rely on club participation (you!)

It’d be nice to get a big turnout to this (even though it does clash with a club night!)