Well then Harriers, another year is almost at a close (and what a strange year it has been). Not many races this year, apart from the odd few at the start, and club sessions were sporadic through the year as the pandemic progressed. Despite all that we hope you enjoyed all the virtual challenges that the Committee and the members have organised for you, and in these difficult times we hope we’ve managed to keep your spirits up in some way.
Hopefully things will look brighter in the New Year, and we’ll be able to resume club sessions again in some form or other. The important matter for us all though is to keep ourselves, our families and our friends safe and healthy.
Until then the Committee hope you all have a fabulous Christmas and New Year. Don’t forget to get out and run off some of that turkey and those chocolates, puddings and mince pies! Also don’t forget to keep posting your pictures and running stories in the the Facebook group to keep us all entertained!!
(p.s. can you identify the mystery Harrier in the Christmas picture? As well as continuing to dash round Doncaster he’ll no doubt have been working flat out to make sure you get your presents and goodies you asked for – and no, it isn’t Santa!)