The 2022 Danum Harriers membership fee is due on the 1st April 2022 and is £14, plus the EA membership fee, which is £16. Therefore all members are required to pay £30 as soon as possible please.
Membership is payable by bank transfer directly into the clubs bank account. You put your name in the ‘Reference’ field so we can relate each payment received to the person transferring the money. If you don’t know the club’s bank details speak to a committee member who will be able to help you.
If any of your contact details have changed, for example your address, telephone numbers, emergency contact details or e-mail address please let us know by e-mailing
To those new members who joined from January 2022 you do not need to pay again.
Finally, for anyone who is a second claim member you only need to pay £14 as the EA membership fee will be collected by your first claim club.
Any questions please do not hesitate to Caroline directly.
If any of your details have changed can you please let her know asap and also update your details on your individual runners portal.