Club Membership Fees 2023-2024 – Now overdue

A huge ‘thank you’ to the 104 club members who have paid their membership fees for 2023-2024.

If you’ve not yet paid your club membership fee, please can you pay by Wednesday 5th April. If we don’t receive your payment by that date, we’ll assume that you don’t wish to renew your membership.

The fee details are below:
· 1st Claim membership – £31. This includes £14 Danum Harriers Running club membership, plus £17 England Athletics (EA) membership. The Committee made the decision to freeze the Danum Harriers Running club fee for 2023/2024.
· 2nd Claim membership (where your 1st claim is with another running club) – £14.

Please can you transfer your payment to our usual bank account (see Amanda or Jo for details).

In the reference field please can you state ‘Fees & Name’. This ensures that we can relate each payment to the person transferring the money.

We’re looking forward to having another great year of running with the Danum Harriers.

Best wishes
DHRC Committee